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Murray Meyer’s Comedy IN MY OWN DEFENCE

It’s the 80’s and Murray has just become a criminal defense lawyer.  Suddenly, his ex-wife sends his two teenage boys to live with him.  Murray lives in a Hollywood commune run by a pot selling nun.  Over the years, Murray Meyer, Esq. has represented alleged murderers, pimps, prostitutes, cops, drug dealers, drug addicts, arsonists, robbers, and thieves but defending himself is his toughest case.

Murray Meyer…

Murray Meyer is a practicing criminal defense attorney who has lived in Los Angeles for more than thirty years. Director/playwright Laurel Ollstein who is married to Meyer, directs.

Kristen Larocque of the Montreal Mirror wrote about Meyer’s previous solo show…

Walking Back To Brooklyn. “Meyer’s transition from character to character and from past to present is seamless, funny and truly entertaining.”

And the Los Angeles Weekly noted after seeing
It’s Criminal! The Comedy, “

More lawyers should do one-person shows.”

Los Angeles Fringe Festival in June

Los Angeles Fringe Festival in June

It’s the 80’s and Murray has just become a criminal defense lawyer. Suddenly, his ex-wife sends his two teenage boys to live with him. Murray lives in a Hollywood commune run by a pot selling nun. Over the years, Murray Meyer, Esq. has represented alleged murderers, pimps, prostitutes, cops, drug dealers, drug addicts, arsonists, robbers, and thieves but defending himself is his toughest case.

Sean Chandler Interviews Murray Meyer

Sean Chandler Interviews Murray Meyer

Sean Chandler, the host of  Your Program Is Your Ticket podcast interviewed Murray about the premiere of It's Shameful! in the Frigid Festival New York.  Murray's interview starts at about 22 minutes into this podcast and you can skip ahead easily.  You can hear the...

Walking Back To Brooklyn

It’s 1957 and twelve- year-old little Murray is woken by his brother in the middle of the night and told that the family is moving. In spite of his vigorous protestations that he can’t go because of the game he’s scheduled to pitch for the Grasshoppers the next day he’s thrown into the car and after an eight hour ride finds himself in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Some months later he decides to escape from exile in the far north and return to his earthly paradise in Brooklyn by walking back to Brooklyn which he is certain he can see from the front stoop of his apartment house in spite of it being nearly 400 miles away.